Circle of Strength
Parenting (COSP)
Circle of Strength Parenting (COSP)
Miami-Dade County
In-home program that helps parents create a healthy home environment where children will thrive despite life’s challenges

We understand that it is difficult to ask for help, especially when it comes to parenting. We provide in-home counseling to support parents and strengthen their parenting skills and techniques.
COSP provides in-home support for parents to strengthen their parenting skills and techniques. It is under our Family Strengthening Pillar of Service. Our services are provided in English, Creole or Spanish.
Using an evidence-based program, Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP), our Family Support Specialists help parents discover various ways to deal with parental stressors and find strategies to enhance the way parents communicate and connect with their children. Connecting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is important and helps children and parents understand their world better.
Linking families to other services is another way to provide long-lasting support for healthy behaviors. Those services could include helping with transportation, access to healthcare and getting a job.
Funded by The Children’s Trust.