Workforce Development

Gang Alternative, Inc.’s (GA) takes a multi-pronged approach to workforce development, focusing on the academic (knowledge), technical (skills) and social (attitude) development needs of individuals as a means of supporting them on a path to self-sufficiency.
At GA, our workforce development services include targeted efforts and activities that provide incumbent workers with upskilling for career advancement; job seekers with occupational skills training for increased employability; the unemployed and displaced with local labor market-centric employability skills; and businesses with skilled labor to bridge the skills gap and to be successful in the 21st century workforce.
Our workforce development programming is client-centered, focusing on the skills and knowledge that are critical to an individual’s current or future career plans. GA’s philosophy is that we are not an employment agency and are not in the business of merely finding someone a job…. our business is helping individuals develop a career!
Consequently, our skills training offerings are based on local labor market information that establishes in-demand employment opportunities. Our success comes not only from our program participants securing sound employment along identified career pathways, but in them retaining gainful employment, and thriving in their careers.
GA’s ever-expanding workforce development programs all offer navigational case management services in recognition of the need to ‘walk the walk’ with our program participants as they embark on a journey of exploration, realization, demonstration, and gratification. Programs under our Workforce Development Pillar of Service offer the following:
- Administration of evidence-based assessments for skills levels and aptitudes including those focused on ascertaining soft skills strengths and deficiencies
- Delivery of occupational and vocational skills training
- Delivery of work readiness support including preparing job applications, crafting resumes and mock interviewing, job shadowing experiences, and on-the-job training
- Support in the form of scholarships to complete industry-recognized credentials training
- Access to earn-as-you-learn training models, including registered apprenticeship programs
- Access to client-centered upskilling for in-demand occupations including access to career advisement from Certified Career Services Providers
- Provision of work-related support services to eligible participants for transportation assistance, work attire and work gear, childcare services