United People Lifting
Individuals And Families Together (UPLIFT)
United People Lifting Individuals And Families Together (UPLIFT)
Families affected by violence, abuse or neglect
Miami-Dade County
Provide care coordination to connect families in crisis to a host of meaningful services.

Raising children can be tough. Lack of material and social support can leave parents overstressed and without options for caring for their kids. These situations can create anxiety, limit resources and put the family in crisis. UPLIFT believes families deserve to get the help they need without judgment.
Gang Alternative’s UPLIFT Program is a place-based coalition of social service providers working together to provide coordinated services to families in communities where children are at-risk of child maltreatment, chronic absenteeism, poor school behavior/suspensions and juvenile system involvement.
The UPLIFT team consists of a team of highly-trained, social services and community resource experts who provide care coordination and comprehensive case management, linkages to wraparound services, and to children at risk of experiencing truancy, poor school performance, disruptive behavior, child maltreatment or family violence. Our staff speak Creole, Spanish and English.
The goal of the UPLIFT Program is to increase family strengths, enhance child development and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. UPLIFT accomplishes these goals by providing or linking families to an array of services including:
- Comprehensive assessments to identify the right services for families
- Case coordination/navigational case management
- Wrap around services
- Support groups, parent groups, natural help/peer support navigators
- Linkage to medical, mental health and substance abuse services and treatment
- Parenting skills development
- Youth enrichment programs and activities
- Workforce development programs
- Concrete services such as emergency funds for basic needs in times of crisis
We will assist anyone seeking help.
Gang Alternative, Inc. chairs a network of direct social service providers in Miami-Dade County referred to as the UPLIFT Service Partnership Network. This collaborative is a networking opportunity to create a dynamic, long-term relationship with community providers. The purpose is to build a true collaboration among social service providers to fulfill the goal of serving low-income communities. This includes, but is not limited to, executing strategies that assist individuals and families who are facing poverty, unemployment, child maltreatment, and more. Read more about UPLIFT Service Partnership Network