Building Character

Broward County Annual Substance Use Prevention Poster Content

Substance Use Prevention Poster Contest 2024

Submit a substance abuse prevention poster with a clear message promoting a substance-free lifestyle for young people for the chance to win a prize!  Students can focus on any substance or combination such as marijuana, alcohol, vaping, or opioids.  


Who Can Enter:

6th-8th grade students living in Miami-Dade County

How to Enter:

Create a poster using either digital art media or freestyle media (markers, ink, pencils, pastels, watercolor, painting, collage, mixed media, or any combination).

Submit a completed entry form and your poster to: or

Scroll to the bottom of this page to enter now!

Size Requirement:

Designs must be landscape oriented, 8″ wide, and 5″ high.


*NEW ENTRY DEADLINE: Tuesday, April 30th 2024, 11:59 pm.


1st Place will win $ 500 and have their poster displayed in Broward and the surrounding areas.

2nd place will win $250.

3rd place will win $100.

Tips and Resources

Examples of Short, Positive, Opioid Prevention Messages

  • Say no to opioids.
  • Stop opioid abuse.
  • Save a life: Use Narcan.
  • Opt out of opioids. Opt in to a healthier life.
  • Keep your body happy and strong. Say no to prescription drugs!

The Do’s:

  • Write a positive, short, catchy opioid prevention message.
  • Keep the poster images positive.
  • Include what opioids are and one fact about how opioids affect youth.
  • Avoid using pictures of paraphernalia in your artwork.
  • Use original or copyright-free artwork.
  • Write your message in English, Spanish, or Haitian Creole.

The Do Not’s:

  • Do not use scary pictures or messages (i.e. no car crashes, grim reapers, tombstones, etc.).
  • Do not use cartoon characters that are copyright protected (i.e., Sponge Bob, Shrek).
  • Do not use brand name products on the posters (e.g., Snickers, Doritos, Coca-Cola).
  • No profanity

Opioid Facts (Use these facts and resources for your design!)

  1. Dose of Reality: Get the Facts on Opioids (
  2. Understanding the Opioid Overdose Epidemic (
  3. High-Risk Substance Use Among Youth (
  4. Stop Youth Opioid Abuse (
  5. Synthetic opioids (like fentanyl) are the primary driver of overdose deaths in the United States (
  6. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more potent than heroin or morphine (
  7. Naloxone is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose (
  8. Why every parent of a teen should have Narcan at home (
  9. About 70% of teens who use prescription opioids without a physician’s order get them from friends or relatives (